
Post it notes
Post it notes

A bright little square of paper doesn't look very threatening, and it gets the point across concisely. If a neighbor is blasting music at all hours, leave them a warm but firm Post-it on their front door asking them to please lower the volume. This writer also thanks Silver for making at least one aspect of cooking less difficult.

  • Instructions: This writer uses Post-its to jot down recipe steps and sticks them to a kitchen cabinet while cooking.
  • What's more, you can write a short summary of where you left off in the book to get up to speed, should you put the book down for an extended period of time.
  • Bookmarks: Fry would agree that marking your place in a book is perhaps the best use of a Post-it.
  • post it notes

    A lot of emotion can be expressed within the confines of a sticky note. It's still special to receive a surprise note left on a Post-it, whether it's attached to a bag lunch or wedged between documents. Any less-than-glowing feedback will land more softly when it's delivered on a Post-it. A professor might do the same with a student's paper.

    post it notes

    A colleague hands you a report, and you give your assessment with a Post-it on top. Longer varieties of Post-its serve this purpose well, but the signature squares do just fine in a pinch. Whether it's on the cover of your laptop, a wall or every surface within your line of vision, it's much harder to ignore a Canary Yellow Post-it than a swipe-able phone reminder. It's one thing to plug an appointment into your phone calendar, but it's quite another to have a brightly colored Post-it staring you down with the details every time you look out of the corner of your eye.

    Post it notes